Vision Training Device

Helping people to see better


30 – 40%

of the population have vision-related problems

The vision related problems are due to working with computers, laptops and using mobile phones.


What We Do

We use therapy to train user’s eye neuro-muscular system to improve

Reduce fatigue

We help users maintain clear
and comfortable vision for
longer periods of time, especially
when using digital devices or reading.

Eye coordination

We help users improve their binocular vision, which is the ability to use both eyes together as a team. This can enhance depth perception, eye alignment, and visual efficiency.

Eye ability to adjust

We help users improve their dynamic visual acuity, which is the ability to adjust focus quickly and accurately between near and far objects. This can prevent blurred vision, headaches, and eye strain.


We offer a vision training device that you can wear on your head and use at home.

We offer a vision training device that you can wear on your head and use at home. It is a device with variable lens filters, that in combination with our developed training exercises help you improve your vision skills.

  • Vision training device (used at home)
  • Personalized training exercises
  • AI – to monitor results, record progress, improve exercises


Things that we have done so far:

EyeDoo MoU signed with OC Vision

Support from Optometrists

MoU signed with leading optical chain in Baltics regarding
market study, prototype validation, potential sales of the device.

EyeDoo Study with 11 000 children

Study with
11 000 Children

Test results from the epidemiological study with children – vision testing carried out (11000 children participated).

EyeDoo Patent registration

Patent Filed

Patent filed, licensing agreement signed with the University of Latvia that allows us to further develop the technology.



If you have any aditional questions contact us

Valters Riekstins, CEO

+371 29 990 294

Click on the video above to see more

Our Team


Chief Executive Officer


Professor / Optometrist, PhD, Research Lead


Our Partners